January 30, 2019 | The Hudson Independent

News in Detail

Edge-on-Hudson starts to strut its stuff with virtual reality house tours

At the end of a maze of con­struc­tion fences on an oth­er­wise bar­ren field sits a one-story sales of­fice where vis­i­tors can take a vir­tual re­al­ity tour of a con­do­minium that does­n’t ex­ist yet. But Toll Broth­ers has be­gun con­struc­tion, and al­ready three units of an even­tual 1,177-home con­do­minium/ town­house com­plex that is Edge on Hud­son have been sold. Ac­cord­ing to Pe­ter Chavkin, who man­ages the pro­ject, it could be any­where from seven to ten years be­fore the en­tire pro­ject, which will in­clude a bou­tique ho­tel, restau­rants and ser­vices, is built out.

One bed­room units start in the $800,000s; three-bed­rooms will cost $1.3 mil­lion up, de­pend­ing on lo­ca­tion. One of the brown­stones has al­ready sold for $1.55 mil­lion. No build­ing is higher than 48 feet; every home has a rooftop pa­tio.
